You see, there are many people out there with the same problems. :)
Hey, aren't we all on the same English course?
Yeah, how's it going?
Not bad, except I sometimes have trouble with my grammar, isn't it?
I mean, sometimes I perfect, but other times I don't. Won't they?
You see, I'm alright with my grandma. My problem is spelling. I can't spell to save my loaf.
Yeah. After all, I have a spell chuck on my compluter.
Well, I don't know, look at it this way: you can lead a horse to water, but you can't eat it too. You know what I'm saying?
No, not really.
I think that she sometimes has trouble mixing metaphors. Aren't she?
Yeah, sorry guys. I'm always crying over spilt chickens before they're hatched.
It's alright for you all, I've got a very small vocabulary.
What's that like?
It's alright for you all, I've got a very small vocabulary.
That's OK. I have problems with my emPHAsis.
Your emPHAsis?
Yes, my emPHAsis, on different parts of the senTENces. In my job, that can cause a lot of awkWARDness.
What do you do?
I'm a speech theRApist
A peach therapist that can't spike preperly! I'm surprised your boss hasn't sucked you.
It's alright for you all, I've got a very small vocabulary.
Can I make a SUggestion? Why don't you purCHASE a dictioNAry? You'd save yourself a lot of embaRRASSment.
I tell you what: why doesn't we all try studying together, isn't it? How doesn't next week sound, didn't we?
Grape idea.
Yeah, you give them an inch, it's worth two in the bush.
It's alright for you all, I've got-
Isn't it?
Corrected version:
Hey, aren't we all on the same English course?
Yeah, how's it going?
Not bad, except I sometimes have trouble with my grammar, don't I?
I mean, sometimes I'm perfect, but other times I'm not. Am I?
You see, I'm alright with my grammar. My problem is spelling. I can't spell to save my life.
Yeah. After all, I have a spell check on my computer.
Well, I don't know, look at it this way: you can lead a horse to water, but you can't eat it too, if you know what I'm saying? (Two sayings mixed up. 1: You can lead a horse to the water, but you can't make it drink, and 2) You can't have your cake and eat it too.)
No, not really.
I think that she sometimes has trouble mixing metaphors. Doesn't she?
Yeah, sorry guys. I'm always crying over spilt chickens before they're hatched. (Two sayings mixed up: 1) It's no use crying over spilt milk, and 2) Don't count your chickens before they are hatched.)
It's alright for you all, I've got a very small vocabulary.
What's that like?
It's alright for you all, I've got a very small vocabulary.
That's OK. I have problems with my EMphasis.
Your EMphasis?
Yes, my EMphasis, on different parts of the SENtences. In my job, that can cause a lot of AWKwardness.
What do you do?
I'm a speech THErapist
A speech therapist that can't speak properly! I'm surprised your boss hasn't sacked you.
It's alright for you all, I've got a very small vocabulary.
Can I make a sugGEStion? Why don't you PURchase a DICtionary? You'd save yourself a lot of emBArrassment.
I tell you what: why don't we all try studying together, shall we? How does next week sound?
Great idea.
Yeah, you give them an inch and it's worth two in the bush. (Two sayings mixed up: 1) You give them an inch and they take a mile, and 2) A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.)
It's alright for you all, I've got-
Isn't it?