Saturday, 30 May 2009

Verb tense practice

I found this page this morning.


Alicia said...

Thank you!!
I was going to sunbathe peacefully in the garden, when...I saw this link! So, I'll have a look now.
(After having a look...)
WHY are there so many damn tenses??? I'm willing to kill who invented them ;D
I'm joking! Useful, thanks!

La Teacher said...

There are a lot more tenses in Spanish and Catalan...

Desi Arias said...

Dear Mary Anne,

Thanks a lot. I will try to read it tomorrow (at job, sure ).

Have a good exam you too and remember: don't worry, don't be nervous, sleep well the night before and you will have what you deserve (jejejeje).

Wishes and good luck !!!!

me, myself and I

La Teacher said...


Except that I'd deserve a fail...