Monday, 31 August 2009

Back to work

Well, I've been googling and googling to find something interesting or funny in not too complicated English and not too long, but either my heart wasn't really in it, or I just had a bad Google day, but the fact is the search was unfruitful.

So I turned to YouTube, and not much luck there either, but I did have a laugh with this lot, who are Dutch or Belgian by the looks of it. Is this how your job makes you feel? :D He does seem pretty upset at the idea of working, I must say, but I can't actually understand much of the ... er... lyrics. Can you?

On a completely different note (but same search) I found this sad story. Can you imagine having to work at 90? Apparently the poor man lost all his money in an investment or something.

So maybe working at a normal age, after the summer holidays, isn't really so bad after all. Is that possible? Well, ask me tomorrow. ;) And to all of those who started today, cheer up, the 11th is a holiday, isn't it?

It is, isn't it?

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