Saturday, 25 July 2009

Language games

My language games list was a bit short, so I've been hunting out new ones.

I haven't found anything particularly fantastic but some interesting ones are:

Do or make?

Suffixes and prefixes (very rudimentary game but ok for practice)

On this page there are several spelling and word formation games: Scroll down the the "spelling and activities bit". Also, the prefixes and suffixes bit. Eg: Prefixes . Again, rudimentary page design, but good revision practice.

An assortment of crosswords, matching games, etc:

More crosswords

The Swap Game. You have to register to use this page, but it's free. The game is good practice for word order in sentences.

If anyone knows any good ones, please pass them on.

1 comment:

Monica Prieto said...

Great! I've started with do or make...very useful :-)