Monday, 15 February 2010

Feedback on exams


In your next class (Monday/Wednesday groups: 17th Feb), and Tuesday/Thursday groups: 23rd Feb), you'll see how well (or not) you did in the February exam.

In general the results are similar to other years: good marks in the reading, less good but ok in grammar and writing, and then not so good in listening/speaking. Remember you don't need to pass all the different parts, but adding up the 5 parts you do need to get a minimum of 65 to pass.


If you got a 70 or more, you can consider that your level is adequate and you should keep up the good work and not relax too much. You have it within reach, but don't get too comfortable!

If you got between 60 and 70, obviously you're close, and working a bit harder from now until May will probably give you a good chance of passing the final exam, although maybe not getting a fantastic mark.

If you got less than 60, maybe you had a particularly bad day, or maybe you need to revise basic structures, spelling, vocabulary or pronunciation. All is not lost, but you need to concentrate on your English and work hard for a few months. In some cases, repeating the year might be a positive option, but I imagine you all want to pass. If that's your case, it's time to work really hard.

Well, in your next class, when you see your results, you'll be able to comment and/or ask me questions.

See you then, and hope you're enjoying the Carnival!

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