Monday, 1 February 2010

Exam: a teacher's impressions

Well, here I am, typing away at the computer while I watch you doing your exam.

I must say I am really enjoying the relaxation of not having to talk/shout over your voices. There's something a bit special about silence in a classroom, isn't there?

Not to mention your facial expressions: the worried eyes, the frowning and the staring up at the ceiling for inspiration, but also the look of intense concentration. It's great to see you so interested!

I'd take a photo, but the flash on my camera doesn't work, and it'd be a shame to disturb you.

Well, I know from experience that your next "session" will not be so quiet, as the listening part is usually characterized by constant sighs, snorts and incredulous giggling.

Well, I have to carry on working: have to get everything corrected as soon as poss!

See ya!

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