Thursday, 21 February 2013

10 ways to practise speaking English on your own

It's the main problem that students complain about: how can they get more speaking practice when they don't have anybody to talk to?

The solution: you don't strictly need another person to practise speaking. Even if there's nobody listening, it's still good practice for you.

In this blog, the writer gives you 10 "goofy" ideas for practising English on your own:

I recommend you to read all of it, but here are some of the ideas:

  • Invent lyrics to songs and sing them whenever you can
  • Imagine you're presenting a TV show when you're cooking or doing a task
  • Learn a poem by heart and recite it
  • Talk to your pets in English (if you don't have pets, use your children)
  • Make a speech to an invisible audience
  • When you're driving, imagine that you're a tour-guide
When I was "studying" French, I used to talk to my daughter in French. Sometimes she complained because she couldn't understand me, but other times she thought it was funny, and tried to repeat the words. She still remembers "bon jour" and "merci". :)

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