Wednesday, 26 October 2011

More about flying

Irish airline Ryanair flight: crew fix pilot's windscreen with duct tape:

Ok, but in this case, no stereotypes are threatened... :P


Raul said...

I have never flown with Ryanair and, If I have to fly, I would rather pay more than double in a plane ticket than flying with them.
Sorry about being so tough with this company but I can't understand how this company has a patched airplane (one at least) with the security under minimal when actually it is said that traveling by plane is the safest way. Are we crazy or are they crazy?

La Teacher said...

Hiya Raúl!

Correction: if I HAD to fly....

Yes, I agree. This company gives me the heebie-jeebies too, although I've never flown with them either.

The old joke used to say:

Why did the Pope kiss the ground when he arrrived at Dublin airport?

Because he'd flown with Ryanair...