Thursday, 14 April 2011

June exam date

The other day some of you mentioned that you still didn't know the date of the exam.

If that's you, here's the link to all the information: both levels, different timetables, different languages, plus other info:

However, I suppose the bit you're interested in is the date of the wriitten "avançat" level, English, which is, as you can see, the 14th of June.

The speaking dates aren't decided yet. As soon as I know anything I'll let you know.


Anonymous said...

Oh no! Why you have to spoil our week off? Knowing the exam date I have to start studying immediately! I can't go on holidays. Thank you Maryanne! Obviously I'm joking. Inés.

La Teacher said...

Hey, it's nice to know someone's going to start studying in April for the June exam...

Mind you, I haven't started studying French yet, so maybe you're like me: nothing like a bit of last minute adrenaline, eh?