Tuesday, 23 November 2010

Don't trust your granny?

Pensioner crime* is on the rise, according to several reports from different countries.

"It is being dubbed the "grey crimewave" (...): new statistics reveal that ever higher numbers of pensioners are being arrested and ending up in Britain's jails.

The prison system, already struggling to cope with the demands of its own ageing population of lifers and long-term inmates, is struggling to cope with a new wave of elderly crooks. But experts are divided over whether or not the growing trend is due to people on low pensions turning to crime through necessity, or simply a tougher attitude by the courts to the elderly in the dock

Read more: http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2010/nov/21/pensioner-crimewave-saga-lout

Is this the face of a criminal?

It looks like you can't trust anyone nowadays.

*remember that "crime" in English refers to any kind of illegal activity

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