As mentioned in class, for those of you in 3rd year or 4th year who need to revise your grammar structures, extra practice or whatever, this is a very good book:
English Grammar in Use (for intermediate students) by Raymond Murphy (Cambridge).
(If you already have a different grammar book at home, bring it in and show it to me).
Remember to get the one with answers so that you can study at home autonomously.
Dear Mary Anne,
Thanks a lot for this information but as you well know I'm happy if I can't do anything else :). On the other hand, I'll try to be a little bit sad in this case and practice my grammar.
Have a nice day and don't worry be happy !!!!
The most happy student in your class
Sorry, the happiest not the most happy :(
Dear MaryAnne,
Thank you for your information. I've this grammar, and I use it. It's the third edition.
I promise you I'll do more exercises.
Have a nice Carnival
Jesús Alonso
Sorry, Jesús, I've just seen your comment.
I'm glad you've got the book and I hope doing the exercises is more helpful than boring for you. :)
See you later!
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