Thursday, 26 May 2016

Nigerians not happy with Buñol's tradition

A traditional event contrasted with a national shortage: Nigerians are not amused by the "tomatina".

Read about it here:

Tuesday, 10 May 2016

The ultimate Eurovision drinking game

Yes yes I know that the Eurovision Song Contest is kind of cheesy but you also have to admit that it can be great fun, especially if you watch it with friends.

And if watching it with friends is your case, here you have a great drinking game to make the contest even more fun. 

The ultimate Eurovision drinking game

Enjoy, but remember not to drive if you're over the limit!!


Monday, 9 May 2016

David Attenborough turns 90

David Attenbourough, aka "National Treasure" (although he doesn't like that title), voted UK's biggest culture icon, one of the most deeply and generally admired and loved people in the UK, has just turned 90.

Several publications have features on David's life and his infectious passion for nature. (some videos won't play unless you have a good proxy; others play just fine) Info about a forthcoming app with free nature videos.

Gorillas and penguins give first hand accounts of meeting David:

Monday, 4 January 2016

Manchester viral pic New Year 2016

Ok, on the negative side, it's fact that a lot of Brits often drink too much and their revelling can sometimes get out of hand. 

On the plus side, some people have the artistic sensibilities (and the humour) to recognise beauty no matter where it hides.

The original photo posted on Manchester Evening News shows a typical late night revellers' scene, but the pic quickly went viral, and not only because of Mancunians' pride in their city and people (!).

Take a moment to admire the composition, expression and proportions of the original scene before clicking on the links to see more.

One Tweeter even goes so far as to say that the picture fits into the "Golden Ratio". :D

Click herehere and/or here to see more artistic creations and read about the Manchester pic.

Further reading:

Wiki entry on Manchester
(Quite technical but interesting) Maths and myths of the Golden Ratio 
Manchester accent and slang
An article on binge-drinking