Sunday, 14 July 2013

British/London slang expressions

This page has a short list of some useful slang expressions that you might need if you're travelling to the UK this summer, especially if you're going to London:

From "mind the gap!" to "quid", I'm sure you'll find these expressions handy.

Tuesday, 9 July 2013

Famous Last Words

"Famous Last words" is an expression that means that somebody has said something very wrong, often dangerously...

Famous Last Words Script:

(I've linked some vocabulary to pictures or explanations, but left some words in bold for you to check yourselves.)

It says “rat poison”, not “human poison”.
Let’s do that thing where you drive a car at me and I jump over it!
Sure, I’ll babysit your chimpanzee.
Why wouldn’t you be able to mix ammonia and bleach?
Sharks don’t attack people in T-shirts.
I’ve figured out a great way to heat the tent: we just hook the car’s exhaust up to it.
We didn’t wear helmets when I was a kid.
We didn’t have to wear seatbelts when I was a kid.
We didn’t have to cook pork to 160°C when I was a kid.
The fire extinguisher’s empty! Get the hair spray!!!
Why else would they call them “parachute pants”?
How bad can bath salts be?
No, that’s not a Coral Snake. That’s a King Snake.
I don’t think I’m allergic to rabies.
I bet you I can eat this whole foot long without swallowing.
Let’s play real life Frogger!
Ah, look, mushrooms!
Ah look, berries!
Ah look, stagnant water!
So I put this end on my finger, and then I grab the battery.
This is the deep end, right?
Hey, can you hand me the hair-dryer?
It’s impossible to swallow your own tongue. Watch.
If we leave this food out, the bears will see us as friends.
Life jacket schmife-packet.
No! Don’t apply pressure to the wound! Just fan it!
Let’s go to Tijuana.
What’s the international sign for choking? oh, yeah: thumbs up!

Thursday, 4 July 2013

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