A couple of years ago I recommended everyone to buy a plot of land on a distant planet (http://quevienelateacher.blogspot.com.es/2010/12/invest-in-very-faraway-land.html) but this year, with the crisis, I'm being more practical and sensible: buy a piece of Scotland!
A small piece of Scotland makes the perfect Christmas present when you just don't know what to buy that special person in your life.
Also, Catalans identify quite strongly with Scottish nationalism, so do you really need any more reasons?
Buy a bit of Scotland now: http://www.highlandtitles.com/
You'd probably look great in a kilt, too. :D
← This could be you.
Monday, 24 December 2012
Thursday, 13 December 2012
One day in class I talked to you about mind maps and how they can help you learn and remember vocabulary fields.
Today I've discovered this webpage: https://bubbl.us, where they make it really easy to make mind maps of your own and save them.
You need to register but it's free.
I did this in about 5-10 minutes just to see how it works:
Don't you think it's useful?
Thursday, 11 October 2012
New librarian wanted
As you probably know, as there is no official librarian at the school, so every year the library is run by volunteers who receive a $ymbolic help with their language $tudie$.
This year for the moment there are no volunteers, so:
Are you interested in being the new EOI Vendrell school librarian?
If so, consult the conditions on the school webpage*, or just click here: http://www.xtec.cat/eoidelvendrell/BASES%20BECA%20EOIV.pdf
For the time being (= for the moment), the library will be open from the 16th of October onwards, on Tuesdays from 6.30pm to 7pm, and Wednesdays from 6pm to 6.30pm.
*Yes yes, the new school webpage will be ready soon. Patience!
Choose your librarian style:

Monday, 8 October 2012
Nasa and El Vendrell
Some people may be surprised to see El Vendrell on the list of towns and cities in Spain included on Nasa's Satellite Sighting Information page: http://spaceflight.nasa.gov/realdata/sightings/cities/skywatch.cgi?country=Spain
So, if you've always wanted to see the International Space Station flying over your town, check out the dates, times, directions, angles, etc on this page: http://spaceflight.nasa.gov/realdata/sightings/cities/view.cgi?country=Spain®ion=None&city=El_Vendrell
If we remember to look as we're leaving class tomorrow, we may see it! :)
Basically, we're looking for this, but a lot smaller/further away.
So, if you've always wanted to see the International Space Station flying over your town, check out the dates, times, directions, angles, etc on this page: http://spaceflight.nasa.gov/realdata/sightings/cities/view.cgi?country=Spain®ion=None&city=El_Vendrell
If we remember to look as we're leaving class tomorrow, we may see it! :)
Basically, we're looking for this, but a lot smaller/further away.
Tuesday, 28 August 2012
10 Worst Drinks for Your Body
As a recreational drinker, I found this information most interesting.
The full original story: here.
The 10 worst drinks for your body:
The full original story: here.
The 10 worst drinks for your body:
- Juice drinks – Most are loaded with sugar; choose only those labeled 100% juice.
- Whipped coffee drinks – They can contain up to 800 calories and 170 grams of sugar.
- Flavored waters – Along with the vitamins, most also contain artificial sweeteners. Select those that only list water and natural flavors on the label.
- Soda – The overconsumption of sodas has been linked to obesity.
- Frozen mixed drinks – The mixers are the culprit here, usually filled with artificial colors, flavors and sweeteners.
- “Healthy” fruit smoothies – Premade fast-food smoothies don’t always have real fruit and are loaded with sugar. For a healthier option, make your own so you can control the ingredients.
- Hard liquor – After 2 drinks, your risk of obesity and other health problems increases. If you’re going to drink, keep it limited.
- Lemonade – Skip the ready-made lemonades and make your own, minus the preservatives and artificial coloring. Opt for either less sugar or try honey to sweeten.
- Sports drinks – The electrolytes are good when you’ve sweating, but most drinks also have a lot of sugar and preservatives you don’t need.
- Energy drinks –You may get an energy burst, but it will be a short-term fix because it’s from an overload of caffeine and sugar.
So, maybe it's a good momento to remind you that this week is the "Festa Major" in Vilafranca del Penedés, home to wines and cavas, that, you've probably noticed, are not on this list.
More info here: Programació Festa Major (not in English, sorry!)
RIP Neil Armstrong
Although slightly late, I'd like to mention the passing of Neil Armstrong.
Many of the tributes published describe him as a "true American hero", and I don't know about you but for once, I agree.
Apparently Neil Armstrong was an unassuming* man, well-known for avoiding publicity and attempts to cash in* on his fame.
His family describe him as a "reluctant American hero [who] served his nation proudly as a navy fighter pilot, test pilot, and astronaut", and added "While we mourn the loss of a very good man, we also celebrate his remarkable life and hope that it serves as an example to young people around the world to work hard to make their dreams come true, to be willing to explore and push the limits, and to selflessly serve a cause greater than themselves. [...] For those who may ask what they can do to honor Neil, we have a simple request. Honor his example of service, accomplishment and modesty, and the next time you walk outside on a clear night and see the moon smiling down at you, think of Neil Armstrong and give him a wink."
(More here)
A particularly creative tribute to him can be found here: Danish Artist's interactive tribute to Neil Armstrong
unassuming (adj) = modest, unpretentious
cash in on sth. (v) = take financial advantage of sth.
Many of the tributes published describe him as a "true American hero", and I don't know about you but for once, I agree.
Apparently Neil Armstrong was an unassuming* man, well-known for avoiding publicity and attempts to cash in* on his fame.
His family describe him as a "reluctant American hero [who] served his nation proudly as a navy fighter pilot, test pilot, and astronaut", and added "While we mourn the loss of a very good man, we also celebrate his remarkable life and hope that it serves as an example to young people around the world to work hard to make their dreams come true, to be willing to explore and push the limits, and to selflessly serve a cause greater than themselves. [...] For those who may ask what they can do to honor Neil, we have a simple request. Honor his example of service, accomplishment and modesty, and the next time you walk outside on a clear night and see the moon smiling down at you, think of Neil Armstrong and give him a wink."
(More here)
A particularly creative tribute to him can be found here: Danish Artist's interactive tribute to Neil Armstrong
unassuming (adj) = modest, unpretentious
cash in on sth. (v) = take financial advantage of sth.
Saturday, 7 July 2012
Don't make up and drive
As I don't wear make up I had no idea that this was an actual problem.
I thought it particularly funny that she's a "blonde". :D
Friday, 6 July 2012
The goddam particle
I imagine we're all trying to follow the developments at Cern, with the alleged discovery of the famous and elusive Higg's boson, also known as the "god" particle.
What I didn't know is why they called it the God particle in the first place. I just thought it was because of all those creationists and other fundamentalists, but no, apparently it's because, no, wait! Read about it yourselves:
The Higg's Boson in 10 easy steps
There are lots of videos on the subject, but this one's Australian for a change:
Higg's boson pun/joke:
A Higgs boson walks into a church.
"We don't allow Higgs bosons in here!" shouts the priest.
The particle replies, "well, you can't have mass without me".
What I didn't know is why they called it the God particle in the first place. I just thought it was because of all those creationists and other fundamentalists, but no, apparently it's because, no, wait! Read about it yourselves:
The Higg's Boson in 10 easy steps
There are lots of videos on the subject, but this one's Australian for a change:
Higg's boson pun/joke:
A Higgs boson walks into a church.
"We don't allow Higgs bosons in here!" shouts the priest.
The particle replies, "well, you can't have mass without me".
A couple of links for the summer
Ricard from 5A recommended this page: http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learningenglish/language/theenglishwespeak/
And if you're feeling advanced, brave and adventurous (B2 level and good pronunciation necessary for some of them): try to understand some of these puns: http://www.punoftheday.com/cgi-bin/disppuns.pl?ord=F&cat=0&sub=0&page=1
(Pun = a joke based on a play on words).
For example:
Two fish in a tank.
One says to the other, "are you sure you can drive this thing?"
The laugh is based on the two meanings of tank: 1. A container for storing or holding water. 2. A military vehicle.
Another one:
I used to be a banker but I lost interest.
Or this:
A small boy swallowed some coins and was taken to a hospital. When his grandmother telephoned to ask how he was a nurse said 'No change yet'.
Wednesday, 27 June 2012
Thursday, 14 June 2012
The Demise of guys?
A funny talk by Philip Zimbardo:
(There's a slight possibility of offending males, but as it's another male making fun of them it's ok.)
(There's a slight possibility of offending males, but as it's another male making fun of them it's ok.)
If you'd like the subtitle option and it doesn't appear in the embedded video, watch it on the TED website: http://www.ted.com/talks/lang/en/zimchallenge.html
Sunday, 10 June 2012
Agustín, from 5A has sent me this for you to practise your pronunciation. In fact maybe I'll include it as part of the speaking exam. :P
By the way, there's a mistake. Can anyone spot it?
Tuesday, 15 May 2012
Spanish health cuts could create “humanitarian problem”
The Lancet reports on the current national health situation in Spain:
"Campaigners have warned that Spain's health cuts could cause serious public health problems as free medical care is reduced for older and immigrant populations. Gonzalo Casino reports." (Read more)
"Campaigners have warned that Spain's health cuts could cause serious public health problems as free medical care is reduced for older and immigrant populations. Gonzalo Casino reports." (Read more)
Monday, 30 April 2012
I've been laughing my head off at these stereotyped maps of the world: http://alphadesigner.com/mapping-stereotypes/
WARNING: some people may find it offensive.
Here's an example of one map. There are a lot more.
WARNING: some people may find it offensive.
Here's an example of one map. There are a lot more.
Wednesday, 25 April 2012
Common mistakes
Don't feel bad if you make mistakes in English: us native speakers make some really bad ones:
The pain in Spain
A foreign (US) look on the current economic situation in Spain: The pain in Spain could hit worldwide economy
PS. The title "The Pain in Spain" comes from the My Fair Lady song "The Rain in Spain", where Eliza makes an effort to replace her Cockney diphthongs and dropped H's with the standard pronunciation.
(The subtitles are slightly more legible in full screen mode)
In this video she finally manages it and everybody is exceedingly happy:
PS. The title "The Pain in Spain" comes from the My Fair Lady song "The Rain in Spain", where Eliza makes an effort to replace her Cockney diphthongs and dropped H's with the standard pronunciation.
(The subtitles are slightly more legible in full screen mode)
In this video she finally manages it and everybody is exceedingly happy:
Wednesday, 11 April 2012
Just what we needed
World’s first hotel for sheep opens in Japan
Yep, you read that right: first hotel for sheep.
You'd better check it out before you rush to book:
The thing is, although it sounds a bit eccentric, I've always thought it would be nice to have a sheep as a pet. They're so cute and fluffy and dumb. :)
(In case you're wondering: no, I don't eat lamb.)
Remember: in English we usually use 2 different words for the animal and the meat:
pig/pork; cow/beef; sheep/lamb (or mutton); but not for poultry: chicken/chicken; turkey/turkey, duck/duck...
Time for lunch I think!
Yep, you read that right: first hotel for sheep.
You'd better check it out before you rush to book:
The thing is, although it sounds a bit eccentric, I've always thought it would be nice to have a sheep as a pet. They're so cute and fluffy and dumb. :)
(In case you're wondering: no, I don't eat lamb.)
Remember: in English we usually use 2 different words for the animal and the meat:
pig/pork; cow/beef; sheep/lamb (or mutton); but not for poultry: chicken/chicken; turkey/turkey, duck/duck...
Time for lunch I think!
Wednesday, 4 April 2012
More myths about colds: the magic orange and vitamin C
It's probably no secret to you that I don't like fruit. So imagine how pleased and guilt-free I was to discover this:
The myth of Vitamin C and the common cold
If you can''t be bothered to click on the link, the bottom line is (quote):
In controlled trials about the effects of vitamin C, for example, “doses have been up to 6 grams per day, and as far as I know, that would correspond to some 18 kilograms of oranges per day and quite a similar dose of orange juice.”
So, time to start fruit-shopping at MercaBarna instead of Mercadona!
PS. Surely putting slices of orange on top of your eyes is not a good idea?
Tuesday, 27 March 2012
The Best News You'll Hear All Day

Chocolate lovers tend to weigh less, according to a new study. You know you just need to find out more: http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/03/26/us-chocolate-idUSBRE82P11320120326
Tuesday, 20 March 2012
Job seekers getting asked for Facebook passwords
What do you think of this?
When Justin Bassett interviewed for a new job, he expected the usual questions about experience and references. So he was astonished when the interviewer asked for something else: his Facebook username and password. (Read more)
When Justin Bassett interviewed for a new job, he expected the usual questions about experience and references. So he was astonished when the interviewer asked for something else: his Facebook username and password. (Read more)
Monday, 19 March 2012
Monday, 12 March 2012
Just in case you don't know this page for listening to music, I'd like to recommend Grooveshark.
The first advantage you'll notice is that there are no loud annoying adverts*.
You can either search for a song using the search box, or listen to the radio, choosing from a variety of styles.
Click on "Radio" and a box will open, giving you a choice of styles.
Obviously your choices are subjective but personally I feel the only thing that can combat Mondays is METAL. :D
*the other problem with Spotify, apart from those creepy adverts, is that no matter what style or decade you choose, eg. Indie 90's, they always manage to slip in a song by someone like Sheila Dúrcal.
Not only does this make (= inversion) you lose your faith in their selection software, but it also forces you to run from one end of the flat to the other screaming "Noooo noooo NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" to stop the song before it causes mental problems.
Grooveshark doesn't have this problem (yet).
The first advantage you'll notice is that there are no loud annoying adverts*.
You can either search for a song using the search box, or listen to the radio, choosing from a variety of styles.
Click on "Radio" and a box will open, giving you a choice of styles.
Obviously your choices are subjective but personally I feel the only thing that can combat Mondays is METAL. :D
*the other problem with Spotify, apart from those creepy adverts, is that no matter what style or decade you choose, eg. Indie 90's, they always manage to slip in a song by someone like Sheila Dúrcal.
Not only does this make (= inversion) you lose your faith in their selection software, but it also forces you to run from one end of the flat to the other screaming "Noooo noooo NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" to stop the song before it causes mental problems.
Grooveshark doesn't have this problem (yet).
Wednesday, 7 March 2012
Wednesday, 29 February 2012
Migraine headaches
Hi People!
I'm just writing this entry on migraine headaches, because lately I've been having them again, and the type that I get are "Migraines with Auras".
Migraines with Auras are different from normal migraines in that the sufferer gets a sort of warning before the actual headache. The Aura, or warning usually consists of:
I'm just writing this entry on migraine headaches, because lately I've been having them again, and the type that I get are "Migraines with Auras".
Migraines with Auras are different from normal migraines in that the sufferer gets a sort of warning before the actual headache. The Aura, or warning usually consists of:
- lightheadedness or dizziness
- blurred vision or visual problems
- slurred speech (= problems speaking)
- numbness or tingling, usually only on one side of the body, usually starting on the face.
As you can see it's quite fun, and I'm sure a lot of people actually pay for recreational drugs to experience similar effects that I get to enjoy free.
The only "problem" with auras is that once you start experiencing them, as you can't really talk very well, it makes it difficult to inform people what's happening, and they usually think you're either drunk or mad, or both.
Since I've been getting these auras lately, I'd just like to say that if I start acting weirdly in class it could be due to a pre-migraine aura.
You will probably notice this if:
- I stop talking, sit down (or fall down :P) and don't say or do anything
- start speaking in an unknown language slowly as if possessed
- seem confused or disoriented (more than usual)
If this happens, please let another teacher know, preferably management (Jose, Vicent, Carlos, Yolanda V), as they know what to do.
Thank you!
You can read more about migraines and auras here: http://www.bupa.co.uk/individuals/health-information/directory/m/migraine
Does anybody else get these?
Tuesday, 28 February 2012
The size of spiders
This is funny.
APPARENTLY, researchers have discovered that people who are afraid of spiders perceive them as bigger than they actually are. Weird, eh? Read about it: http://newslite.tv/2012/02/28/being-scared-of-spiders-makes.html
It's incredible what fear can do, isn't it?
APPARENTLY, researchers have discovered that people who are afraid of spiders perceive them as bigger than they actually are. Weird, eh? Read about it: http://newslite.tv/2012/02/28/being-scared-of-spiders-makes.html
It's incredible what fear can do, isn't it?
Thursday, 23 February 2012
32,000-Year-Old Plant Brought Back to Life
I've just read this piece of news and seen the photo, and I'm in love. What a darling little thing! ♥ I want one!
Science is amazing!!
Wednesday, 22 February 2012
The Treehouse of Adulthood
A slightly cynical view of the world of being a responsible adult.
Somebody sent me this with no credits. Googling leads me to a blog by a certain Grant Snider, where you can find other thought-provoking cartoons.
Somebody sent me this with no credits. Googling leads me to a blog by a certain Grant Snider, where you can find other thought-provoking cartoons.
Sunday, 19 February 2012
Gapminder: world statistics
Hiya! I've just discovered this fascinating page with world statistics on a wide range of issues. If you're curious about the world around you, this is the page for you: it's highly interactive and is full of information:
At first sight it may look a bit complicated to use, but there's this helpful video tutorial to help you get started, well worth watching:
At first sight it may look a bit complicated to use, but there's this helpful video tutorial to help you get started, well worth watching:
Monday, 13 February 2012
A sensible love song for Valentine's Day
Some people on Twitter are saying that this year, Valentine's Day cancels itself out for mathematical reasons: 14-2-12 = 0.
Clever, eh?
But here's a Valentine Day post anyway.
Do you remember Tim Minchin? We did another song of his, "Fat Children", one Friday class. He's an Australian comedian, now based in London I think, who routinely makes fun of whatever he can.
Here he dedicates this love song to his wife.
Personally I love his common sense and the way he parodies the style, but admittedly the more romantic ones of you out there might not agree. ;)
If I Didn't Have You - Tim Minchin
Yep, yeah. If I didn't have you. Yeah.
If I didn't have you to hold me tight (If I didn't have you)
If I didn't have you to lie with at night (When I'm feeling blue)
If I didn't have you to share my sights (Share my sights)
And to kiss me and dry my tears when I cry
Well I, really think that I would... have somebody else.
(If I didn't have you) If I didn't have you, someone else would do
Your love is one in a million (One in a million)
You couldn’t buy it at any price (Can't buy love)
But of the 9 point 999 hundred thousand other possible loves,
Statistically some of them would be equally nice. (Equally nice)
Or maybe not as nice but say, smarter than you
Or dumber but better at sport or... fucking tracing
I'm just saying (I really think that I would)
Probably (Have somebody else)
(If I didn't have you)
If I didn't have you someone else would do (Someone else would surely do)
If I were a rich man, diddle diddle diddle diddle diddle diddle diddly
I guess I would be with a surgeon or a model
Or any of the royals, or a Kennedy
Or a nymphomaniacal exhibitionist heiress to a large chain of hotels
If I were a rich man maybe I would fiddle
Fiddle diddle diddle with the rich man girls
I'm not saying that I'd not love you if I was wealthy or handsome
But realistically there's lots of fish in the sea
And if I had a different rod, I would conceivably land some
Even though I am fiscally consistently pitiable
And considerably less Brad Pitt than Brad Pitiful
And am I really so poor and ugly that you reckon only you could possibly love me
And I (Really think that I would) Probably (Have somebody else)
(If I didn't have you) (Someone else would surely do)
Look, I'm not undervaluing what we've got when I say
That given the role chaos inevitably plays in the inherently flawed notion of fate,
It's obtuse to deduce that I've found my soul mate at the age of 17
It's just mathematically unlikely that at a university in Perth
I happened to stumble on the one girl on earth specifically designed for me
And if I may conjecture a further objection, love is nothing to do with destined perfection
The connection is strengthened, the affection simply grows over time
Like a flower. Or a mushroom. Or a guinea pig. Or a vine. Or a sponge. Or bigotry.
Or a banana (banana)
And love is made more powerful by the ongoing drama of shared experience and the synergy of a kind of symbiotic empathy, or something
So I trust it goes without saying that I would feel really very sad If tomorrow you were to fall off something high or catch something bad
But I'm just saying I don't think you're special
I mean... I think you’re special
But you fall within a bell curve
I mean, I'm just saying I (Think that I would)
Probably (Have somebody else)
I think you are unique and beautiful
You make me happy just by being around (Being around)
But objectively you would have to agree that baby, when I found you
Options were relatively thin on the ground (Thin on the ground)
You’re lovely but there must be girls as lovely as you
and maybe more open to spanking or fucking table tennis
I'm just saying
(That I think that I would) Probably (Have somebody else)
I mean, I reckon it's pretty likely that if for example
My first girlfriend Jackie hadn't dumped me
After I kissed Winston’s ex girlfriend Neah at Steph’s party back in 1993
And our variables would probably have been altered by the absence of that event
To have meant the advent of a tangential narrative in which we don't meet.
Which is to say there exists a theoretical hypothetical parallel life
Where what is is not as it is and I am not your husband and you are not my wife
And I am a stuntman living in LA
Married to a small blonde Portuguese skier
Who when she's not training, does abstract painting
Practises yoga and brews her own beer, and really likes making home movies
And suffers neck down alopecia
But with all my heart and all my mind I know one thing is true
I have just one life and just one love and my love, that love is you
And if it wasn't for you, darling, you (I really think that I would)
Possibly (Have somebody else)
Yeah (If I didn't have you)
If I didn't have you doodoodoodoo someone else would do
(Someone else would surely do)
Clever, eh?
But here's a Valentine Day post anyway.
Do you remember Tim Minchin? We did another song of his, "Fat Children", one Friday class. He's an Australian comedian, now based in London I think, who routinely makes fun of whatever he can.
Here he dedicates this love song to his wife.
Personally I love his common sense and the way he parodies the style, but admittedly the more romantic ones of you out there might not agree. ;)
If I Didn't Have You - Tim Minchin
Yep, yeah. If I didn't have you. Yeah.
If I didn't have you to hold me tight (If I didn't have you)
If I didn't have you to lie with at night (When I'm feeling blue)
If I didn't have you to share my sights (Share my sights)
And to kiss me and dry my tears when I cry
Well I, really think that I would... have somebody else.
(If I didn't have you) If I didn't have you, someone else would do
Your love is one in a million (One in a million)
You couldn’t buy it at any price (Can't buy love)
But of the 9 point 999 hundred thousand other possible loves,
Statistically some of them would be equally nice. (Equally nice)
Or maybe not as nice but say, smarter than you
Or dumber but better at sport or... fucking tracing
I'm just saying (I really think that I would)
Probably (Have somebody else)
(If I didn't have you)
If I didn't have you someone else would do (Someone else would surely do)
If I were a rich man, diddle diddle diddle diddle diddle diddle diddly
I guess I would be with a surgeon or a model
Or any of the royals, or a Kennedy
Or a nymphomaniacal exhibitionist heiress to a large chain of hotels
If I were a rich man maybe I would fiddle
Fiddle diddle diddle with the rich man girls
I'm not saying that I'd not love you if I was wealthy or handsome
But realistically there's lots of fish in the sea
And if I had a different rod, I would conceivably land some
Even though I am fiscally consistently pitiable
And considerably less Brad Pitt than Brad Pitiful
And am I really so poor and ugly that you reckon only you could possibly love me
And I (Really think that I would) Probably (Have somebody else)
(If I didn't have you) (Someone else would surely do)
Look, I'm not undervaluing what we've got when I say
That given the role chaos inevitably plays in the inherently flawed notion of fate,
It's obtuse to deduce that I've found my soul mate at the age of 17
It's just mathematically unlikely that at a university in Perth
I happened to stumble on the one girl on earth specifically designed for me
And if I may conjecture a further objection, love is nothing to do with destined perfection
The connection is strengthened, the affection simply grows over time
Like a flower. Or a mushroom. Or a guinea pig. Or a vine. Or a sponge. Or bigotry.
Or a banana (banana)
And love is made more powerful by the ongoing drama of shared experience and the synergy of a kind of symbiotic empathy, or something
So I trust it goes without saying that I would feel really very sad If tomorrow you were to fall off something high or catch something bad
But I'm just saying I don't think you're special
I mean... I think you’re special
But you fall within a bell curve
I mean, I'm just saying I (Think that I would)
Probably (Have somebody else)
I think you are unique and beautiful
You make me happy just by being around (Being around)
But objectively you would have to agree that baby, when I found you
Options were relatively thin on the ground (Thin on the ground)
You’re lovely but there must be girls as lovely as you
and maybe more open to spanking or fucking table tennis
I'm just saying
(That I think that I would) Probably (Have somebody else)
I mean, I reckon it's pretty likely that if for example
My first girlfriend Jackie hadn't dumped me
After I kissed Winston’s ex girlfriend Neah at Steph’s party back in 1993
And our variables would probably have been altered by the absence of that event
To have meant the advent of a tangential narrative in which we don't meet.
Which is to say there exists a theoretical hypothetical parallel life
Where what is is not as it is and I am not your husband and you are not my wife
And I am a stuntman living in LA
Married to a small blonde Portuguese skier
Who when she's not training, does abstract painting
Practises yoga and brews her own beer, and really likes making home movies
And suffers neck down alopecia
But with all my heart and all my mind I know one thing is true
I have just one life and just one love and my love, that love is you
And if it wasn't for you, darling, you (I really think that I would)
Possibly (Have somebody else)
Yeah (If I didn't have you)
If I didn't have you doodoodoodoo someone else would do
(Someone else would surely do)
Saturday, 4 February 2012
This week I've had this argument three times already: can cold weather give you a cold? Or more specifically, can going outside with wet hair in cold weather give you a cold?
The answer is NO.
If you don't believe me, check out what the Wiki says about it: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Common_cold
And if you're one of those who mistrust the Wiki, try this page about facts and myths about the common cold or the NHS page, where you can discover that if you get bored of just one type, there are in fact more than 200 types of cold virus that you can get, yay.
The good news is that you can easily avoid catching colds or catch less of them by either becoming a hermit or just by taking some simple precautions such as washing your hands: how to survive the common cold.
In conclusion, though, the common cold is like any other viral infection: if you're exposed to it, you catch it. But if you're not exposed to it you could jump out of the bath stark naked and run around the snowy streets (haha) of Vilanova in the deepest winter and you would NOT catch a cold*. Scientific fact!
*don't believe me: try it yourselves!
Cute little cold viruses
The answer is NO.
If you don't believe me, check out what the Wiki says about it: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Common_cold
And if you're one of those who mistrust the Wiki, try this page about facts and myths about the common cold or the NHS page, where you can discover that if you get bored of just one type, there are in fact more than 200 types of cold virus that you can get, yay.
The good news is that you can easily avoid catching colds or catch less of them by either becoming a hermit or just by taking some simple precautions such as washing your hands: how to survive the common cold.
In conclusion, though, the common cold is like any other viral infection: if you're exposed to it, you catch it. But if you're not exposed to it you could jump out of the bath stark naked and run around the snowy streets (haha) of Vilanova in the deepest winter and you would NOT catch a cold*. Scientific fact!
*don't believe me: try it yourselves!
Cute little cold viruses
Thursday, 26 January 2012
More Dilbert on Powerpoint presentations here: http://www.powerpointninja.com/for-fun/dilbert-on-powerpoint-presentations/
Saturday, 14 January 2012
The other day in 5C I discovered that nobody had ever heard of this song, let alone had the pleasure of listening to and watching the video.
The song was a 2011 internet sensation after the ... erm... singer posted it on YouTube, where it rapidly went viral, amongst general incredulity. Most people actually thought it was a joke, but when it was realised that it wasn't, the song quickly acquired the status of "Worst Song Ever".
According to the Wikipedia, Rebecca Black has unsurprisingly received death threats because of the song and her ...erm... performance.
The lyrics, which contain pearls of wisdom such as "It's Friday, Friday [...] Tomorrow is Saturday. And Sunday comes afterwards", have also been criticised mainly for basic grammar mistakes and superficiality.
Friday - Rebecca Black
(Yeah, ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah)
Oh-oh-oh, oh yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah, yeah
7 a.m., waking up in the morning
Got to be fresh, got to go downstairs
Got to have my bowl, got to have cereal
Seeing everything, the time is going
Ticking on and on, everybody’s rushing
Got to get down to the bus stop
Got to catch my bus, I see my friends (my friends)
Kicking in the front seat
Sitting in the back seat
Got to make my mind up
Which seat can I take?
It’s Friday, Friday
Got to get down on Friday
Everybody’s looking forward to the weekend, weekend
Friday, Friday
Getting down on Friday
Everybody’s looking forward to the weekend
Partying, partying (yeah)
Partying, partying (yeah)
Fun, fun, fun, fun
Looking forward to the weekend
7:45, we’re driving on the highway
Cruising so fast, I want time to fly
Fun, fun, think about fun
You know what it is
I got this, you got this
My friend is by my right
I got this, you got this
Now you know it
Kicking in the front seat
Sitting in the back seat
Got to make my mind up
Which seat can I take?
It’s Friday, Friday
Got to get down on Friday
Everybody’s looking forward to the weekend, weekend
Friday, Friday
Getting down on Friday
Everybody’s looking forward to the weekend
Partying, partying (yeah)
Partying, partying (yeah)
Fun, fun, fun, fun
Looking forward to the weekend
Yesterday was Thursday, Thursday
Today is Friday, Friday (partying)
We-we-we so excited
We so excited
We going to have a ball today
Tomorrow is Saturday
And Sunday comes afterwards
I don’t want this weekend to end
R.B., Rebecca Black
So chilling in the front seat (in the front seat)
In the back seat (in the back seat)
I’m driving, cruising (yeah, yeah)
Fast lanes, switching lanes
With a car up on my side (woo, come on!)
Passing by is a school bus in front of me
Makes tick-tock, tick-tock, want to scream
Check my time, it's Friday, it's a weekend
We going to have fun, come on, come on, y'all
It’s Friday, Friday
Got to get down on Friday
Everybody’s looking forward to the weekend, weekend (we gonna get down)
Friday, Friday
Getting down on Friday
Everybody’s looking forward to the weekend
Partying, partying (yeah)
Partying, partying (yeah)
Fun, fun, fun, fun
Looking forward to the weekend, etc
Luckily, there is a death metal version, courtesy of Jarett Norton and Danny Dodge, which really helps to take the bad taste away:
The song was a 2011 internet sensation after the ... erm... singer posted it on YouTube, where it rapidly went viral, amongst general incredulity. Most people actually thought it was a joke, but when it was realised that it wasn't, the song quickly acquired the status of "Worst Song Ever".
According to the Wikipedia, Rebecca Black has unsurprisingly received death threats because of the song and her ...erm... performance.
The lyrics, which contain pearls of wisdom such as "It's Friday, Friday [...] Tomorrow is Saturday. And Sunday comes afterwards", have also been criticised mainly for basic grammar mistakes and superficiality.
Friday - Rebecca Black
(Yeah, ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah)
Oh-oh-oh, oh yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah, yeah
7 a.m., waking up in the morning
Got to be fresh, got to go downstairs
Got to have my bowl, got to have cereal
Seeing everything, the time is going
Ticking on and on, everybody’s rushing
Got to get down to the bus stop
Got to catch my bus, I see my friends (my friends)
Kicking in the front seat
Sitting in the back seat
Got to make my mind up
Which seat can I take?
It’s Friday, Friday
Got to get down on Friday
Everybody’s looking forward to the weekend, weekend
Friday, Friday
Getting down on Friday
Everybody’s looking forward to the weekend
Partying, partying (yeah)
Partying, partying (yeah)
Fun, fun, fun, fun
Looking forward to the weekend
7:45, we’re driving on the highway
Cruising so fast, I want time to fly
Fun, fun, think about fun
You know what it is
I got this, you got this
My friend is by my right
I got this, you got this
Now you know it
Kicking in the front seat
Sitting in the back seat
Got to make my mind up
Which seat can I take?
It’s Friday, Friday
Got to get down on Friday
Everybody’s looking forward to the weekend, weekend
Friday, Friday
Getting down on Friday
Everybody’s looking forward to the weekend
Partying, partying (yeah)
Partying, partying (yeah)
Fun, fun, fun, fun
Looking forward to the weekend
Yesterday was Thursday, Thursday
Today is Friday, Friday (partying)
We-we-we so excited
We so excited
We going to have a ball today
Tomorrow is Saturday
And Sunday comes afterwards
I don’t want this weekend to end
R.B., Rebecca Black
So chilling in the front seat (in the front seat)
In the back seat (in the back seat)
I’m driving, cruising (yeah, yeah)
Fast lanes, switching lanes
With a car up on my side (woo, come on!)
Passing by is a school bus in front of me
Makes tick-tock, tick-tock, want to scream
Check my time, it's Friday, it's a weekend
We going to have fun, come on, come on, y'all
It’s Friday, Friday
Got to get down on Friday
Everybody’s looking forward to the weekend, weekend (we gonna get down)
Friday, Friday
Getting down on Friday
Everybody’s looking forward to the weekend
Partying, partying (yeah)
Partying, partying (yeah)
Fun, fun, fun, fun
Looking forward to the weekend, etc
Luckily, there is a death metal version, courtesy of Jarett Norton and Danny Dodge, which really helps to take the bad taste away:
Thursday, 12 January 2012
Russian probe update
The latest updates on the Phobos-Grunt, the ill-fated Russian Mars probe, are currently predicting that it will fall into an empty stretch of the Indian Ocean near the island of Java, in Indonesia
However the prediction is not set in stone (=definite), as many factors influence the descent of the spacecraft, and it's worth checking the latest information as the time for impact gets closer.
Read all about it: Highly toxic Phobos-Grunt Mars probe will crash into ocean on Sunday, Russia says
The Phobos-Grunt space probe: do you really want this on your head?
However the prediction is not set in stone (=definite), as many factors influence the descent of the spacecraft, and it's worth checking the latest information as the time for impact gets closer.
Read all about it: Highly toxic Phobos-Grunt Mars probe will crash into ocean on Sunday, Russia says

The Phobos-Grunt space probe: do you really want this on your head?
Wednesday, 11 January 2012
This is not science fiction
In class we talked about the Russian probe, destined for Mars but whose voyage was unfortunately cut dramatically short by engine failure, and which now hangs in an increasingly lower orbit around the Earth.
The spacecraft with its cargo of toxic fuel is expected to fall back to Earth around the 15th of January.
The Russians are now hinting at sabotage as the cause of the failed launch.
Read the latest on the topic: http://www.nytimes.com/2012/01/11/science/space/russian-official-suggests-weapon-caused-spacecraft-failure.html
The spacecraft with its cargo of toxic fuel is expected to fall back to Earth around the 15th of January.
The Russians are now hinting at sabotage as the cause of the failed launch.
Read the latest on the topic: http://www.nytimes.com/2012/01/11/science/space/russian-official-suggests-weapon-caused-spacecraft-failure.html
The art of translation 2: Guide perrs
You might remember this one: http://quevienelateacher.blogspot.com/2011/09/art-of-translation.html
Here's another great but slightly unfinished translation:
Here's another great but slightly unfinished translation:
Saturday, 7 January 2012
Grammar can kill
I think I would do the same...

Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal:
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal:
Tuesday, 3 January 2012
BBC's "Faces of the year 2011: Women"
Before you click on the link below, GUESS which Spanish woman made it into the "top 12" of the year.
Ready? Have you guessed? Do you have someone in mind?
Ok, now look at October: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-16203296
Ready? Have you guessed? Do you have someone in mind?
Ok, now look at October: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-16203296
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