Sunday, 27 March 2011

The truth about cheap flights

Somebody sent me the link to this video about the cheaps flight you can find on the internet. Song performed by Fascinating Aida.

Without subtitles (up to minute 4.10):

With subtitles

Notice the Irish accent: she pronounces all the Rs, for example, and the "th" / θ / sound is replaced by a regular /t/ sound.

Some vocab:
"Feck" is a softer variation of "fuck" as a swear word.

A "do" (noun) is an occasion, in this case, a wedding.

Tralee is a town in Ireland.

To "diddle" someone is to cheat them out of money, by overcharging, etc.

The "jacks" is Irish slang for toilets.

Thursday, 24 March 2011

Asian Aromas

Yesterday at the EOI there was a very interesting cultural activity on Indian Culture and Indian cooking, by Susen Ahluwalia, resulting in some delicious Tandoori Paneer.

The activity was only for 1st and 2nd level students, so for those of you left out, or those who couldn't make it, here's the link to Susen's web page,, where you can read about her activities, and there are also a few recipes.

Wednesday, 23 March 2011

My blackberry is not working

This is the video I mentioned in 5A yesterday.


Customer: I bought some thing from you last week and I’m VERY disappointed.
Shop Assistant: Oh yeah? What’s the problem?
C: Yeah, well, my Blackberry is not working.
S. What’s the matter? It ran out of juice?
C: No, no, it’s completely frozen.
S: Oh yeah, I can see that. I’ll tell you what.: let’s try it on Orange.
C: That’s got a few black spots. You see there?
S: Oh, dear, yeah. Sorry about that.
C. Well […] think you can get my Blackberry working?
S: Well, could be an application issue. Where do you store that Blackberry.
C: Well, on my desktop.
S: Well you could try using a mouse, to drag the Blackberry to the trash. And after you’ve done that, you might want to launch the Blackberry from the desktop.
C: Well, I’ve already tried that a few times, but all it did was mess up Windows.
S: Well, it might be worth waiting a couple of weeks. They’ve got the latest Blackberries coming in then.
C: Well, could you give me a date?
S: Certainly.
C: Let me put that date in my diary.
S: Anything else I can help you with?
C: Yes, yes, I’ve also got a problem, to be honest, with my Apple.
S: Oh dear oh dear. That is an old Apple, isn’t it? When d’you buy that?
C: Last week.
S: Last week?! Cor! They’ve brought out two new Apples since then. What’s the problem with it?
C: Well, I’ve tried to put my dongle in it, and it won’t fit.
S: Oh yeah? And how big’s your dongle?
C: Well, I don’t know much about these things, but my wife’s seen a few dongles in her time, and she says it’s a little bit on the small side.
S: Well, I’m afraid there’s not a lot I can do about that. Tell you what: let me try booting it. No, it’s crashed. Anything else I can help you with?
C: Well, funnily enough, yes. My grandson’s birthday’s soon you see. Now, he’s already got an Apple. I mean, have you got anything else that he might just like?
S: Well, we’re doing a special offer on these. I mean I can’t make hear or tail of them, but the kids seem to like them: EggsBox. Three sixty.

I wish I could do that

I can't remember how I got to this video.

I've always been fascinated by trial: the balance, the precision... but this is something else.

The first video looks more difficult and the music is better (that's subjective I suppose, but it is), but the background scenery of the second video is breathtakingly beautiful, if you can take your eyes off the bike of course. According to the Wiki, the locations featured in the (2nd) video include Edinburgh Castle, North Berwick, wartime bunkers on the island of Inchgarvie beneath the Forth Bridge and a hydro-electric power station in the Scottish Highlands.

Google results: his name is Danny MacAskill, he's from Edinburgh, he's 25, and he's been doing this for more than 14 years, so if you're planning on taking it up, now's the time to start. Just a sec, I'm just imagining you all flying though the air on your bikes - now that would be a good class video for my course.

Well, there's no speech, just images and music. Enjoy!

And if those two videos sparked your interest, here Danny explains how to do a G-turn. It's all quite simple really.

Monday, 21 March 2011

Grammar quizzes

I can't remember if I've posted this link before, although it's definitely somewhere on the list.

Mostly grammar quizzes, but also some vocabulary.

Cambodian older foreign husband ban discriminatory?

That's what some people think of this new Cambodian law: Cambodia sets marriage age limit for foreign husbands

But being over 50 is not the only obstacle: even younger potential husbands-to-be have conditions they must fulfil.

The weird thing is that there's no ban on foreign women, of any age or income, only men.

Authorities have mentioned aesthetic considerations, but surely there must be something else behind the whole thing.

I wonder what would happen if hordes of older European or American women went down there to pick up younger trophy toy-boy husbands?

Friday, 18 March 2011

Quiz time

Although my mind is still on the newest developments in Japan, I think it's also good to find something less depressing to do, like Quiz Time, a short weekly seven-question quiz on current affairs, which I didn't do very well at, I must say.

What about you?

Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Almost forgot: Mercury

Ooops, almost forgot to tell you that little planet Mercury is easy to see this week.

Something more lighthearted

Let's ignore the nuclear meltdown* in Japan and the fight for power in Libya and turn our attention to something you've all probably often wondered at some time or other, namely: HOW BIG EXACTLY IS THE INTERNATIONAL SPACE STATION?

I'm sure that like me whenever you've heard a piece of news about the ISS, your first question is "YEAH, BUT HOW BIG IS IT?".

Well, wonder no more, as a BBC page will set your mind at rest. Just type in the address that you want to see and it will show you the map with the ISS to scale plonked on top.

I tried to put it on top of the IES Joaquim Mir for no particular reason ha ha, but this is the nearest I could get. Please let me know if you can get it any nearer.

*If you're as ignorant on the subject as I am, read about how nuclear power is produced here:, and about Nuclear Reactor Safety here: (scroll down 8 paragraphs). Notice the last line of the paragraph:

"To prevent the possibility of a meltdown, nuclear reactors are built with one or more emergency cooling systems to provide extra coolant in case it is needed. The effectiveness of these systems has been debated, however, because the conditions that would be produced following the loss of coolant in the core are uncertain."

I have the feeling they're going to be rewriting that article soon...

Monday, 14 March 2011

Global rich list

I've posted this before, but it always good to remember. No matter how bad our situations are (or not), we're still the privileged rich of the world.

Choose € euros, type in your anual salary, press "show me the money", and voilá: your position in the world rich list.

More depressing news

As if the news about Japan wasn't bad enough, today I read this headline about prostitutes in Bangladesh. It goes with a video.

It looks as if doing stupid things in order to be more attractive to the kind of man who despises women anyway is a universal trend.

The difference is of course that these women, well, girls, don't have a choice.

Sorry to be so negative these days. I think I'll go back to not reading the news and stick to the normal funny or silly kind of things I usually post.

Saturday, 12 March 2011


Follow all the news and updates on BBC News:


Right now I've just got up to see the explosion at the nuclear plant. Very worrying, isn't it? Chernobyl all over again.

Tuesday, 8 March 2011

Short Film - International Women's Day video

This powerful short film, made by Sam Taylor-Wood, stars Daniel Craig and is narrated by Dame Judi Dench. This video is to promote International Women's Day (Tuesday March 8th). Visit for more information.

Friday, 4 March 2011

One of those days

You know, a bad day at work, personal worries... obviously I'm not justifying it, but it couuld happen to any of us.

PS. Thanks to those of you who wrote funny writing tasks. Eg: the joyrider, the stripper, the prostitute, etc, etc, at least it made the work entertaining.