It's hardly ever in the coursebooks, probably because they try to be as politically correct as possible, which is a good thing, but it's also a good idea to learn some survival expressions, isn't it?
But what is slang? defines "slang" as either "a characteristic language of a particular group" or "informal language consisting of words and expressions that are not considered appropriate for formal occasions; often vituperative or vulgar".
Obviously, slang can be very handy on certain occasions, more to understand what other people are saying than to use it yourself, although you never know when you might need it too.
No, I'm not referring to your exam results, that's next Monday, but this typical video of "fails" made me laugh.
The music is You're pitiful, by Weird Al Yankovic, and I'm sure you'll agree it's a lot better than the original song You're beautiful by James C- I mean Blunt.
Now that you're taking your traditional 3-month break from studying English, it's probably a good time for you to learn a new dance. Not to mention that you never know if you're going to need to celebrate in some way...
You know, now that I'm re-watching the video again (and practising), it's strange that they haven't thought of incorporating a BALL into the dance, isn't it?
Personally, I haven't watched a single match yet, but I've heard about the controversy over the vuvuzela, and how annoying some people are finding the matches: something about the football distracting them from appreciating the sound of the ...erm... music. Or something like that. If that's your case, this is the page for you:, hours and hours of non-stop vuvuzela trumpets, with no annoying football!*
*I do actually enjoy football, but my team are never favourites to win anything. ;)