Saturday, 20 December 2008

Xmas party

In the Ghettoooooo

Xavi B. as the King, plus Alicia and Victoria (4ºS) on backing vocals perform an old favourite. The Príncipe Gitano can retire now*.

In the Ghetto from Quevienela Teacher on Vimeo.

*If he hasn't already...

Thursday, 11 December 2008

Gerund or infinitive?

Somebody asked me for a list of Verb Patterns. This one is quite complete:

Students' post

Hello everybody,

We are: Clara, Eli, Berta, Toni, Carles, Alejandro, Joan, Irene, Ariadna, Rocío, Mireia, María José, Elisabeth, Yolanda...

We're from 3 R.

We're very tired because we had done a fire simulation.


More vocabulary

Ok, and now how many swear words can you catch here?

Learn some adjectives

Are you sick of saying that things are "very good" or "very nice"?

Learn some new adjectives:

Thursday, 4 December 2008

Talking about my generation

(This subject came up in 4ºT's class; thanks, Desi, for the link).

Ok, I'm not THAT old, but I would love to be like these OAP's* when (if) I get to be their age. More information on The Zimmers, here.

This was the original song by The Who performed in this case in 1967, an excellent year, by the way.

*Old age pensioners.